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International Research (국제학술 연구)

1. International Journal (SSCI) 게재 논문


1.  Park, Jongwon., & Pak, Sungjae. (1997). Students' responses to experimental evidence based on perceptions of causality and availability of evidence. Journal of research in science teaching, 34(1). 57-67. 


2.  Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Ikgyun. (1998). Analysis of students' responses to contradictory results obtained by simple observation or controlling variables. Research in Science Education, 28(3). 365-376. 


3. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Ikgyun., Kim, Myungwhan., & Lee, Moo. (2001). Analysis of the students' processes of confirmation and falsification of the hypotheses in electrostatics. International Journal of Science Education. 23(12), 1219-1236.  


4.  Park, Jongwon.,  Kim, Ikgyun., Kwon, Sunggi., & Song, Jinwoong. (2001). An analysis of thought experiments in the history of physics and implications for physics teaching. In Pinto, R., & Surinach, S. (Eds.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000. (pp. 347-351). Paris: Elsevier. 


6. Song, Jinwoong.,  Park, Jongwon., Kwon, Sunggi., & Chung, Byunghoon. (2001). Idealization in Physics: Its types, roles and implications to physics learning. In Pinto, R., & Surinach, S. (Eds.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000. (pp. 359-366). Paris: Elsevier. PDF file


7.  Park, Jongwon., & Han, Sooja. (2002 ). Deductive reasoning to promote the change of concept about force and motion. International Journal of Science Education. 24(6), 593-610.  


8. Choi, Eunhee., &  Park, Jongwon. (2003). Conditions for the effective use of simulation and its application to middle school physics inquiry activities. Journal of Korean Physical Society. 42(3), 318-324 


9. Park, Jongwon.,  & Lee, Imook. (2004). Analyzing cognitive or non-cognitive factors involved in the process of physics problem solving in an averyday context. International Journal of Science Education  26(13), 1577-1596. 


10.  Park, Jongwon.,  & Kim, Ikgyun. (2004). Classification of Students' Observational Statements in Science. in R.Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education, Vol.13. (pp.139-154)  NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


11. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Ikgyun., & Jang, Kyoung-Ae. (2005). Analysis of the Actual Scientific Inquiries of Physicists- Focus on Research Motivation. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 47, No. 3,  pp. 401 408. 


12. Park, Jongwon. (2006) Modelling analysis of students' processes of generating scientific explanatory hypothesis. International Journal of Science Education. 28(5), 469-489.


13. Park, Jongwon.,  Jang, Kyoung-Ae., & Kim, Ikgyun. (2009). An analysis of the actual physicists' research and implications for scientific inquiry in school. Research in Science Education. 39, 111-129.


14. Lee, Han Su., &  Park, Jongwon. (2013).Deductive reasoning to teach Newton’s Law of Motion. International Journal of Science & Mathematice Education, 11, 1391-1414.


15. Park, Jongwon.,  Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2014). The development of the Korean Teaching Observation Protocol (KTOP) for improving science teaching and learning. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(2), 259-275.


16. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Youngmin., Park, Young-Shin., Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2015). Development and application of the practical on-site cooperation model (POCOM) for Improving science teaching in secondary schools. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(1), 45-63.


17. Kang, Daehyeok., Park, Jongwon., & Jong, Hangwha. (2015). CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF IDEAS DEPENDING ON TIME WHEN CONDUCTING SCIENTIFIC CREATIVITY ACTIVITIES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(4), 448-459.


18. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Youngmin., Park, Jongseok., Jeong, Jin-Su., & Park, Young-Shin. (2016). Korean science teachers' oerceptions and actual usage of educational theories/teaching strategies in their teaching. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15(4), 411-423.


19. Park, Jongwon., et al. (2016). Introducing modern science and high technology in schools. In H-S. Lin, G.K. Gilbert, & C-J. Lien (eds.), Science Education Research and Practice in East Asia (pp. 391-416). Taiwan, Higher Educaiton publishing.



21. Kim, Sangsoo, & Park, Jongwon. (2017). Development and Application of Learning Materials to Help Students Understand Ten Statements Describing the Nature of Scientific Observation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics, 16(5), 857-876.

22.  Kang Nam-Hwa., Kang, Hunsik., Maeng, Seungho., Park, Jongwon., Jeong, Eunyoung. (2020). Teacher Competency in Competency-Focused Science Teaching in the South Korean Context: Teacher Self-Assessment Instrument Development and Application. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 6, 480-513.


24.  Shin, Wonho., & Park, Jongwon. (2021). Developing a List of Behavioral Characteristics of Creative Physicists During Their Growth Period.  International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19(4), 701-725.

25. Park, Jongwon., Yoon, Hey-Gyoung., Kim, Mijung., & Jho, Hunkoog. (2021). THE NATURE OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING SCIENCE. Journal of Baltic Science Ecuation, 20(5). 840-856.

26. Lee, Insun., Park, Jongwon., & Yoon, Hye-Gyoung. (2022). SCIENCE TEACHERS' THEORY-BASED TEACHING: CONNECTING A LEARNING CYCLE MODEL TO A LESSON PLAN. Journal of Baltic Science Ecuation, 21(3). 462-480.




2. International Conference Paper Presentation (국제학술회의 논문발표)


1. Park, Jongwon., & Pak, Sungjae. (1992). The role of metacognition in the change of concepts about relativity. Presented paper at the annual meeting of American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). Maine, USA. 


2. Park, Jongwon. (1995). Deductive reasoning in the scientific explanation and test of hypotheses. Paper presented at The 3th workshop on the students conceptual structure and changes in learning physics. Seoul, Korea. 


3. Park, Jongwon. (1995). The effect of students' preconceptions and inquiry skill on the interpretation of results about electricity. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Bendingo. Australia.  


4. Kim, Ikgyun., & Park, Jongwon. (1995). The middle school students' responses on the conflict observation, data and results in electricity experiment. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Bendingo. Australia. 


5. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Ikgyun., Kim, Myunwhan., &  Lee, Moo. (1997). Analysis of the students' process of confirmation and falsification of hypotheses in electrostatics. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Adelaide. Australia.


6. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Ikgyun. (1997). Conceptual change through deductive reasoning. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Adelaide. Australia.


7. Park, Jongwon., Song, Jinwoong., Kwon, Sunggi., & Chung, Byunghoon. (1999). The use of ideal conditions in physics teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Roturua. New Zealand. 


 8. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Ikgyun. (1999). Classifying students' observational activities. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Roturua. New Zealand. 


9. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Ikgyun., Kwon, Sunngi., & Song, Jinwoong. (2000). An analysis of thought experiments in the history of physics and implications for physics learning. Paper presented at the International Conference: Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000. Barcelona, Spain. (file)


10. Song, Jinwoong., Park, Jongwon., Kwon, Sunggi., & Chung, Byunghoon. (2000). Idealization in Physics: Its roles and implications to physics learning. Paper presented at the International Conference: Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000. Barcelona, Spain. 


11. Kim, Ikgyun., &  Park, Jongwon. (2000). Understanding students' observations in physics education: Criteria and classification. Paper presented at the International Conference: Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000. Barcelona, Spain. 


12. Park, Jongwon., & Lee, Limook. (2002). Analyzing cognitive or non-cognitive factors involved in the process of physics problems solving in an everyday context. paper presented at the 2001 International Conference of Physics Education in Cultural Context (ICPEC), Korea. 


13. Kim, Ikgyun., Yang, D., Jeong, S., & Park, Jongwon. (2002). Students' responses on conflicting expriments with different strengths of discrepancies between preconcption and experimental data. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Townsville. Australia.


14. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Ikgyun. (2002). Analysis of students' processes of generating the scientific explanatory hypothesis. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Australasian science education research association. Townsville. Australia.(Abstract) (ppt file)


15. Park, Jongwon. (2004. 7.10) Suggesting a Model of Scientific Creativity (MSC) and Developing Scientific Creativity Activities Paper presented at the Anuual Conference of the Australiasian Science Education Research Association. Austalia.


16. Park, Jongwon. (2004. 7.28) Asia-Pacific International Conference for the Gifted. Suggesting a Model of Scientific Creativity (MSC) and Developing Scientific Creativity Activities 


17. Park, Jongwon. (2006.3.23). Modelling analysis of students' processes of generating scientific explanatory hypothesis. Scarfe 310, 12:20-13:45, Department of Curriculum Studies, University of British Columbia. Canada. 


18. Park, Jongwon. (2006. 11). Understanding the students' process of scientific inquiry . Paper presented at the 2007 International Conference On Science Education for the Next Society . SNU.


19. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Doohyun. (2007.6). Developing Teaching Materials for Understanding the Nature of Science . Paper presneted at the 9th International History, Pholosophy, and Science Teaching Conference . University of Calgary.


20. Park, Jongwon. (2007.8). Balance Between Doing and thingking in learning physics. Paper presented at the The 10th Asia Pacific Physics Conference . POSCO International Center.


21. Lee, Han Su., & Park, Jongwon. (2007.8). Students conceptual understanding about force and motion using deductive explanation tasks. Paper presented at the The 10th Asia Pacific Physics Conference . POSCO International Center. 


22. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Doohyun. (2007.11). Helping Students to Generate Scientific Inquiry by themselves . Paper presneted at the 2007 International Conference On Science Education for the Next Society . SNU.


23. Jeong, Hyun Suk., & Park, Jongwon.  (2007.11). Recommendations for the effective use of an everyday context in teching physics. Paper presneted at the 2007 International Conference On Science Education for the Next Society . SNU.


24. Park, Jongwon. (2008.02). Wonderful world of optics (workshop for 70 minutes). Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education 2008 .  National Kaohsiung Normal University.


25. Park, Jongwon.  (2008.02). Teaching Scientific Creativity for the Gifted . Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education 2008 .  National Kaohsiung Normal University.


26. Park, Jongwon.  (2008.05). Model for Scientific Creativity and Developing Activities for Scientific Creativity . Paper presented at the International Meeting on Science and Mathematics Education . Mandarin Oriental Hotel , Singapore.


27. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Doohyun. (2008.07). Teaching the Nature of Science(NOS)for Enhancing Scientific Creativity . Paper presented at the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference of Giftedness .  Nanyang Technological University,Singapore.


28. Park, Jongwon., &  Park, Jongseok. (2008.07). Establishing the Model of Scientific Creativity and the Development of Teaching Materials for Scientific Creativity . Paper presented at the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference of Giftedness .  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


29. Park, Jongwon. (2008.10). Suggesting an assessment frame for science education and developing concrete types of test items. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR THE NEXT SOCIETY . SNU.


30. Park, Jongwon. (2009. 08). The secondary school science education system for creativity human resources. 56th KARSE summer meeting. Chosun University.


31. Park, Jongwon., Shin, Wonho., &  Chung, Whan-Jae. (2009.08). The scientific talent behavioral trait check-list proposal of the case center through the growth phase analysis of a scientist. 56th KARSE summer meeting. Chosun University.


32. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Duk-Young. (2009.08). The quest activity analysis of the student in the open quest activity by simulation.  56th KARSE summer meeting. Chosun University.  


33. Park, Jongwon., & Kim, Sang su. (2009.08). The student worksheet development for the original nature understanding of an observation. 56th KARSE summer meeting. Chosun University.


34. Park, Jongwon. (2010.06). Development and application of learning materials for scientific creativity and analysis of students' responses about it 18. XIV IOSTE Symposium: Socio-cultural and human values in science and technology education. Slovenia.


35. Park, Jongwon. (2011.07). REVITALIZING KEPLER’S DISCOVERY IN EYE VISION FOR SCHOOL SCIENCE. 11th International IHPST and 6th Greek History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Joint Conference: Science & Culture:Promise, Challenge and Demand. Greece.


36. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). Investigating in Students', Teachers' and Parents Recognition about Contrary Views on Scientific Creativity. 2011 Asian Association for Science Education. Chosun university.


37. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). SCIENCE EUCATION CONTENT STANDARDS FOR NATIONAL K-12 SCIENCE CURRICULUM IN KOREA. 2011 East-Asia Association for Science Education. Chosun University.


38. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). Development of Scientific Creativity Behavioral Characteristics Checklist Based on Analysis on Physicists' Behavior in Growth Period. 2011 East-Asia Association for Science Education. Chosun University.


39. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). Extraction Statements Describing The Nature of Scientific Observation(SDNSO) and Teaching it to High School Students. 2011 East-Asia Association for Science Education. Chosun University.


40. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). Development of the Task-Based Assessment Tools For Scientific Creativity(TATSC). 2011 East-Asia Association for Science Education. Chosun University.


41. Park, Jongwon. (2011.10). Practical Ways for Teaching and Evaluating Scientific Creativity. 2011 East-Asia Association for Science Education. Chosun University.


42. Park, Jongwon. (2011.12). Two approaches for finding forces acting on object based on deductive reasoning and the nature of force. Asia-Pacific International Workshop on Physics Education (AIPE2011) "New Approaches to Physics Teaching in College and Secondary School". Korea.


43. Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2012.01). Developing essential features of science teachers' profession: The development of POCOM. ASTE 2012 conference. Florida, USA.


44.  Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2012. 07). Development of POCoM (Practical On-site Cooperation Model) to Improve physics teaching and learning. World Conference on Physics Education. Istambul.


45. Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2012.10). The Development of POCoM (Practical On-site Cooperation Model) for Korean Science Teacher Profession with the approach of PAR (Participatory Action Research). Interenational conference on science education 2012 (Nanjing, China). Nanjing University, China.


46. Park, Jongwon. (2012.10). Discussion for the invited symposium. Exploring science: Contributions history, philosophy and education of science. Seoul National University. 


47. Park, Jongwon. (2012.10). Helping students fo find forces acting a moving object using two approaches based on the nature of Newton's law. Exploring science: Contributions history, philosophy and education of science. Seoul National University.


48. Park, Young-Shin., Park, Jongwon., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2012.12). Development of POCoM(Practical On-stie Cooperation Model) to Improve Science Teacher's Teaching Professional. 2012 ASET International Science Education Conference. Taiwan.


49.  Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2013.01). Promoting physics teaching through POCoM. 2013 AAPT Winter Meeting. New Orleans.


50. Park, Young-Shin., Park, Jongwon., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2012.01). Promoting Secondary Science Teacher's Profession through PoCOM(Practical On-site Cooperation Model) of Korea. ASTE 2013 Conference. USA: Charleston.


51. Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2013.03). Improving science class teaching at secondary level through practical on-site cooperation model (POCoM). 2013 ESERA conference. 0000.


52. Park, Jongwon., Park, Young-Shin., Kim, Youngmin.,  Park, Jongseok., & Jeong, Jin-Su. (2013.07). The development and its application of K-TOP (Korea-Teacher Observational Protocols) to profile the improvement of science teaching for teacher profession. 2013 EASE. Hong Kong.


53. Park, Jongwon., Kim, Youngmin., Jeong, Sin-Su., Park, Young-Shin., & Park Jongseok. (2014). Promoting physics teaching through PoCOM. Paper presented at the AAPT. Orelans, USA. 


54. Park, Jongwon. (2015). Teaching scientific creativity in ordinary classes (invited presentation). Paper presented at KASE. Busan, Korea. 

55. Park, Jongwon. (2016).  College students understanding about the meataphysical meaning of scientific concepts''phenomena and theor perception of the importance of it in their everdya life and teaching science. Paper presented at Asia history, philosophy of science & science teaching 2016 conference. (부산대학교)

56. Park, Jongwon. (2016). the effect of background knowledge and metaphysical belief on interpreting quantitative data. Paper presented at Asia history, philosophy of science & science teaching 2016 conference. (부산대학교)

57. Park, Jongwon. (2016). Supporting self-directed investigation planning of the gifted in science at secondady level. Paper presneted at XVII IOSTE Symposium. (포르투칼)

58. Park, Jongwon. (2021). Understanding and Teaching the Nature of Scientific Thinking (NOST). Papaer presented at XIX IOSTE International Symposium 2020. (경북대학교).

59. Park, Jongwon., & Kang, Nam-Wha. (2022). Helping Students Generate Physics Inquiry Problems. Paper presneted at IUPAP & ICPE. (온라인).

60. Park, Jongwon. (2022). Teaching modern physics to elementary and secondary students. paper presented at The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) and the Korean Physical Society (KPS). (온라인)

61. Park, Jongwon., Lee, Insun., & Yoon, Hye-Gyoung. (2022). Research-Based Teaching: Developing Teaching Materials Based on Academic Papers to Teach Scientific Creativity. Paper presneted at East-Asian Association in Science Education (EASE). (온라인)

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